Opportunities to Participate

Current Research Studies

We are currently seeking individuals to participate in a research study on brain-computer interfaces and augmentative and alternative communication (BCI-AAC) carried in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Study findings will help learn how we can build devices that support communication for those with physical difficulty. In more detail, BCI-AAC techniques aim to allow computer control via brain waves alone, without the need for physical movement. However, how individuals learn BCI control, preferences, and factors influencing success are unclear. Therefore, aims of this study are to evaluate BCI-AAC control and design preferences. Brain activity involved in control of the BCI-AAC will be recorded by electroencephalography (EEG), which records brain signals via electrodes placed in a cap (similar to a swimming cap). The BCI-AAC device will randomly highlight different pictures in a grid, selecting the image to which the person is focusing their attention. 

To see a video on what helping us is like go here! https://mediahub.unl.edu/media/20569

*Requirements: Participants should be 8-12 years of age. We are recruiting typically developing individuals, and those who have difficulties with physical movement due to a diagnoses of cerebral palsy or muscular. Participants should be without electrical implants (e.g., pacemakers) and a history of seizures, have English as their first language, and not have color blindness. Further, participants must not have previously participated in a study where they were able to make actual item selections using a BCI system.

For typically developing individuals we will pay $50 per visit ($150 total). For those with physical difficulties we will pay $180 per visit ($540 total). Payment will be provided in the form of an Amazon e-giftcard. Mileage reimbursement for those with physical difficulties traveling to the laboratory may be available.

Duration: The study consists of three sessions, each lasting between approximately 60- 90 minutes. This includes two sessions of BCI control and use of a design application. Short assessments evaluating areas such as fatigue and attention will also be completed.


For more information contact: Dr. Kevin Pitt at kevin.pitt@unl.edu at the AAC Translation Laboratory, Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE. https://cehs.unl.edu/aactranslation/

Participant Flyer 

Opportunities to Participate

The AAC Translation Lab is seeking volunteers to participate in our research studies. Contact us if you're interested in learning more about, and potentially participating in, our research.

Be a Participant!     Join our lab as a research assistant

Child Participants

What does a child's participation in a brain-picture study using electroencephalography (EEG) look like at the AAC Translation Lab? Check out the video below to see an preview.